What is Mindfulness?
A quick poll around the office uncovered different ideas! We could at least agree that it was a hot topic right now. I turned to the obvious place for answers and found a wealth of information. In particular the Mental Health Foundation was a great source:
“Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. By being fully present in this way – not forcing things or hiding from them, but actually being with them, we create space to respond in new ways to situations and make wise choices. We may not always have full control over our lives, but with mindfulness we can work with our minds and bodies, learning how to live with more appreciation and less anxiety.”
How do you practise Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a very simple form of meditation that was little known in the West until recently. A typical meditation consists of focusing your full attention on your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Focusing on each breath in this way allows you to observe your thoughts as they arise in your mind and, little by little, to let go of struggling with them. You come to realise that thoughts come and go of their own accord; that you are not your thoughts. You can watch as they appear in your mind, seemingly from thin air, and watch again as they disappear, like a soap bubble bursting. You come to the profound understanding that thoughts and feelings (including negative ones) are transient. They come and they go, and ultimately, you have a choice about whether to act on them or not.
How does this transfer to effective Leadership?
Leadership presence is a tangible quality. It requires full and complete non-judgemental attention in the present moment. Those around a Mindful Leader see and feel that presence.
A Mindful Leader cultivates:
- Focus
- Clarity
- Creativity
- Compassion
This video was made by recent delegates on a Transformational Leadership programme, where meditation practice was included:
Delegate project video (Leadership course) from Derwent Hill on Vimeo.
Can Derwent Hill provide Leadership courses incorporating Mindfulness?
Yes, we can! At Derwent Hill we use a 5 step process to design your programme. This means that we can really understand your requirements. We have a track record in delivery.
Are we experiencing a mindfulness revolution or is it a passing phase?
Join the conversation on the MIND website and judge for yourselves.